At CTAI we always strive to deliver the best and most exclusive result to our customers. We can assist you on nearly all types of refurbishments for seats, carpets, sealing, walls etc. and we are always available to discuss your special requirements.


Give the most used part of aircraft interior new life

Your seats are used on every flight and exposed to dirt, wear and tear, sunlight and so on, and acceptably will be torn more and more over time.

We offer you full refurbishment of your seats, whatever you desire leather or fabrics, light or dark color theme, lamp skin for comfort on your pilot seats or some special stitching for looks.

When choosing the new look for your seats, keep the use of the seats in mind - and let us consult you on the most suitable solution.


We customize all new carpets for your aircraft from beginning to end.

We base our carpet work on correct measurement from the aircraft, and every new project we wish to make the measurements ourselves. This is to make sure the new carpets will have the correct fit and exclusive look we always strive to deliver.
The small details on the carpet execution can make the whole difference in the final look. Corners, endings and the correct fitting for all angels is essential to give the best result.

We are available to consult you on material and colors best suitable for your aircraft.

Side and sealings

Stains, dust, and fingerprints becoming eye catching

The side panels and sealing of your aircraft is visible for the eye when entering, and over time stains from food & drinks, dirty fingerprints and general wear and tear can leave their mark. Loose fabric over time and scratches from the daily operations can leave your cabin with a damaged look.

Let us help you when it all becomes a bit worn out and make your cabin shine again.


Any special needs? 

We are always available for a talk about any wish, requirement or challenge you may have and how we are able to support you. 

Feel free to contact us anytime and we strive to get back to you as soon as possible.